Dyma odfa newydd (O Arglwydd dyro rym)
Wel dyma oedfa newydd (O Arglwydd dyro rym)

(Dymuniad enaid llwythog am sylfaen safadwy)
1,2,3,4,5,6,7;  1,(2,3,4),5,6;  1,3,4.
Dyma odfa newydd,
  O Arglwydd dyro rym,
I ymladd â phla calon,
  A llid gelynion llym:
Mae llawer mil o bethau,
  Am gael fy mhen i lawr,
Nid oes a'm ceidw'n unig,
  Ond gallu'r Meddyg mawr.

A gaiff y fath bechadur,
  Sydd ffiaidd aflan noeth,
O flaen dy orsedd sefyll,
  Pan elo'r byd yn boeth?
Pryd hyn caf eglur wybod,
  Beth yw cyfammod rhad,
A chanu i'm hanwylyd,
  Yn hyfryd dŷ fy Nhad.

Wrth geisio gwneuthur pob peth,
  'Rwy'n methu gwneuthur dim,
Wrth geisio concro 'mhechod,
  'Does ynof ronyn rym:
Wrth fyn'd at bob meddygon,
  Gwaethygu wnaeth fy nghlwy,
Anturiaf at yr Iesu,
  Yn aflan fel yr wyf.

Am graig i adeiladu,
  Fy enaid chwilia'n ddwys,
Y sylfaen fawr safadwy,
  I roddi arni'th bwys:
Bydd melys yn yr afon,
  Gael craig a'm deil i'r làn,
Pan byddo pob ystormydd,
  Yn curo f'enaid gwan.

O Arglwydd dysg im' chwilio
  I wirioneddau'r gair,
Nes dod o hyd i'r Ceidwad,
  Fu gynt ar liniau Mair:
Mae ef yn Dduw galluog,
  Yn gadarn i iachâu,
Er cymaint yw fy llygredd,
  Mae'n ffynon i'm glanhau.

Pa Dduw yn mhlith y duwiau
  Sydd debyg i'n Duw ni?
Mae'n hoffi maddeu'n beiau,
  Mae'n hoffi gwrando'n cri;
Nid byth y deil eiddigedd,
  Gwell ganddo drugarhau,
Er maint ein hanheilyngdod,
  Mae'i gariad yn parhau.

Tangnefedd Duw yn ddiball,
  Sydd uwch law deall dyn,
A gadwo ein calonau,
  A ninnau ynddo'n un:
A gras ein Harglwydd Iesu,
  A chariad UN yn DRI,
Cymdeithas dy Lân Ysbryd,
  Fo'n hyfryd gydâ ni.
Grawn-Sypiau Canaan 1805
- - - - -
(Ymdrech yn erbyn Llygredd)
Wel dyma oedfa newydd,
  O! Arglwydd dyro rym,
I ymladd â phla calon,
  A llid gelynion llym:
Mae llawer mil o bethau,
  Am gael fy mhen i lawr,
Nid oes a'm ceidw'n unig,
  Ond gallu'r Meddyg mawr.

Wrth deimlo grym fy llygredd
  'R wyn'n ofni tynnu'n ôl;
Duw, dyro nerth bob munud
  I redeg ar dy ôl:
Rho imi ysbryd gwylio
  Tra byddwyf ar y llawr,
A chadw anian dduwiol
  Yn f'enaid ar bob awr.
1: Grawn-Sypiau Canaan 1805
2: Casgliad D Jones 1810

Tonau [7676D]:
Rutherford (Chrétien Urhan 1790-1845)

  A gaiff y fath bechadur
  Am graig i adeiladu
  O Arglwydd dysg im chwilio
  Wrth deimlo grym fy llygredd

(The wish of a burdened soul for a stable foundation)
Here is a new meeting,
  O Lord give strength,
To fight the plague of the heart,
  And the sharp anger of enemies:
The are many thousands of things,
  To get my head down,
There is nothing which keeps me alone,
  Except the power of the great Physician.

Shall such a sinner who is
  Loathsome, unclean, naked, get
Before thy throne to stand,
  When the world gets hot?
Then shall I get to know clearly,
  What is the free covenant,
And to sing to my beloved,
  In the delightful house of my God.

While trying to do everything,
  I am failing to do anything,
While trying to conquer my sin,
  There is not in me a grain of strength:
While going to every physician,
  Get worse did my wound,
I will venture to Jesus,
  Unclean as I am.

For a rock to build,
  My soul seeks intently,
The great stable foundation,
  To place thy weight upon:
It will be sweet in the river,
  To get a rock which will hold me up,
Whenever every storm should
  Beat upon my weak soul.

O Lord, teach me to search
  Into the truth of thy word,
Until I find the Saviour,
  Who one was on Mary's knees:
He is a mighty God,
  Strong to save,
Depite the extent of my corruption,
  There is a fount to cleanse me.

What God amongst the gods
  Is similar to our God?
He loves to forgive faults,
  He loves to hear our cry;
He will not forever keep jealousy,
  He prefers to be merciful,
Despite the extent of our unworthiness,
  His love in enduring.

The unfading peace of God,
  Which is above man's understanding,
Shall keep our hearts,
  And us also, in him as one:
And the grace of our Lord Jesus,
  And the love of ONE in THREE,
The fellowship of thy Holy Spirit,
  Be delightfully with us.
- - - - -
(Struggle against Corruption)
See here is a new meeting,
  O Lord give strength,
To fight a heart's plague,
  And the sharp anger of enemies:
The are many thousands of things,
  About to get my head down,
There is nothing which keeps me alone,
  But the power of the great Physician.

While feeling the force of my corruption
  I am fearing drawing back;
God, grant strength every minute
  To run after thee:
Give me a spirit to watch
  While I am on the earth,
And keep a godly nature
  In my soul at every hour.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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